Monday 24 April 2017


Hello Readers,

Am back with the parts we all have been waiting for, 'The Females view point'. Throwing the question (DO YOU FEEL THE WORLDS FEWER POPULATION OF MALES IS THE BASIC REASON WHY THERE ARE MORE UNMARRIED FEMALES?), I got many response which some where so funny I feel down while laughing.
The replies unlike the males where totally positive and negative and here they are summarized as follows;
  1. There are enough males for women, but women have different specifications of the right man they feel is best for them and most times these specifications aren't cheap
  2. Mental health  issues/mental instability (madness and imbecility) are high amongst males thereby reducing the number of eligible males to marry.
  3. Men are comfortable taking care of themselves and are not ready or eager to expand or extend that care to someone. (Commitment issues and Phobia for taking up a bigger responsibilities).
  4. Most males are looking for their mother or someone better than their mum not putting into consideration that his mum has learnt on the job (more experience on marriage) and could handle most issues with more ease.
  5. Morbidity rate is higher amongst males because of their persistent involvement  in social vices.
    (Most males are in prison).
  6. Most beliefs and religion requires males not be married.
However, not everyone would agree with each others point of view and if you feel that you opinion was not captured,s leave a comment down below and share your thoughts with us. Its all because you matter.
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday 19 April 2017


I officially made the legit list of approved Khaki wears. Let's get it over and done with.
Here are ways you can scoop up a Khaki clothes and look like a non military. #winks

Tuesday 18 April 2017


Hello Readers,

I had a little chat with different individuals, it was based on research, I was seeking not just my point of view but that of others to understand really how we humans view the act of being in a particular gender.

The thrilling question was why do u feel the worlds fewer population of males is the basic reason why there are more unmarried females?
And I got different answers from different people BUT here are the MALES VIEW POINT have to say.

Generally almost every male I discussed with agreed with the message behind that question above and their reasons to support the motion falls within the following list:
  1. Women are a confused specie (Not knowing what they need but they know when they need it)
  2. Financial expectations are way too high for the males to handle
  3. African marriage requirements are so discouraging (bride price)
  4. Social media has spread the wrong message about what marriage is all about and the young ones have built themselves up to become that ("wedding materials instead marriage material).
  5. Lack of proper orientation from parents (The African parents issues).
Let us know your idea why you agree or disagree with that theory. leave a comment below.
Coming up next is the FEMALES VIEW POINT.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday 4 April 2017


It's a khaki themed week and I couldn't wait till it's over had to release these cuties. Stay tuned for updates.
Outfit Details
.Mom jeans
. Off-shoulder Khaki blouse
. Black shoe